Import an Existing Project from Git Repository is an all-in-one platform for automating modern web projects. While the application allows users to create a new application, also allows an existing front-end application to be ready to deploy with the help of a git provider. Connect to GitHub account where your site’s source code is hosted. When you push to Git, we run your application of choice on our servers and deploy the result.
To import an existing project
1. Go to the Application page
2. Click the Add application button
3. Select Import an existing project option.
4. Select the Git provider where the project is hosted.
5. Select the project’s existing repository.
6. Adjust site and build settings if necessary.
7. Click Deploy site.
Deployment starts automatically, and for the manage your application clicks the Manage Application Button. The system redirects to nucal application portal.
GitHub Repository
If this is your first application, you’ll need to connect Nucal application to your GitHub account and Authorize NuCAL on GitHub.
There may be occasions where you need to re-authenticate your GitHub account, for example, when we release an update to the GitHub integration or if you have not visited the Applications page for 3 months or more. This is because nucal application uses user access tokens to make calls to GitHub in the user’s name, and these tokens expire if they have not been used for 3 months or more.
select template
-Build a web application
connect to github
-Authorize NuCAL to connect to your GitHub account.
Connect Git Provider
You can specify exactly what this application has access to on the next screen. We aim to have as little access as possible to your data, so we recommend not giving the application access to all repositories. Click Only select repositories, and choose the repository you would like to deploy.
When clicking the GitHub button the Next button displays as active.
Deployment starts automatically, and for the manage your application clicks the Manage Application Button.
connect to github
-Connect NuCAL with your GitHub account.
Pick a Repository
• The repositories in your Github account you are connected to are listed. If you have given permission for a single repository on GitHub, one repository will be listed, if you have allowed all repositories, all repositories will be listed.
• The existing repository as Public or Private is displayed on the repository list.
• You can search by repository name from the Search field.
• After selecting the repository, the Next button displays active.
• Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.
• If a previously used repository is selected again in the application, the system will display a warning message. You need to select a new repository.
connect to github
-Pick a repository
Basic Build Settings
• Base directory: Specifies the directory that our buildbot changes to before starting a build. It’s where our build system checks for dependency management files such as package.json or .nvmrc. If not set, the base directory defaults to the root of the repository.
• Build command: where you should specify the command to run to build your site if you are using a static site generator or other build tool. For example, npm run build. The build command runs in the Bash shell, allowing you to add Bash-⁠compatible syntax to the command.
• Publish directory: directory (relative to the root of your repo) that contains the deploy-ready HTML files and assets generated by the build. If a base directory has been specified, it should be included in the publish directory path. For example, if your base directory is set to site, the publish directory should include the site/ prefix like so: site/public.
• Default branch: Set the branch that will be deployed on changes and manually.
connect to github
-Basic Build Settings
Things to Pay Attention
When application created with Import an Existing Project option, you can trigger deploy clicking by Trigger Deploy on the application card.
In case the deployment status fails, you can tigger deploy. And also can see the deploy log on the Manage>Build & Deploy>Clicking the last deploy detail
app statuses
-Card Status